Why i am a blogger
I know many of you people in your own mind that why i am a blogger the answer of this can be given with a example that suppose there is a child which is studing in class 10 and is willing to do some thing in his life, becouse he has grown seeing succesful people on internet and earning lot of money and one day he was watching a video on youtube of sandeep maheswari who tells that every succes ful person started working in the age of 15 to 17 and now they had created a value of him in the county sandeep sir gave many exampe of owner of microsoft, google ceo and etc. As the child was vey loaded with many things in him with some of the knowledge of technology and other social things. He decides to find his way some were the child spend many days in thinking of what he can do to create a lot of money, as his family finencila condection was also not so good and he actually needed to do some thing so the decides to start some thing with zero investment so he started writing blogs in blog spot and started writing blogs as he was not good at studies at all he was at the same time very afraid, but altho he wrote blogs and in few days the blog views touched 800 views in 14 days now by this the boy was motivated and wanted to continue it but surcumtences changed and now he decided to link adsence to his blog, he did so and currenty the process is going on he will not stop any more and make a lot of money with his hard work and smart work. This boy name is kabir chouhan and is living in assam and want to make his name and get fame if you people will support me and help me thank you vey much if you read this blog till the last, will maked you belive that humanity is alive and people are still kind and nice to every one thankyou very much for being my part of the day.
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